Nyjer Seed - 50 lb
Nyjer Seed - 50lb bag.
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About Nyjer
Nyjer is a small, thin, black seed from the African yellow daisy (Guizotia abyssinica).
Though it is not related to the thistle plant, Nyjer is often referred to casually as "thistle seed." High in oil, it is a nutritious source of energy for backyard birds and is one of the most popular types of birdseed.
Depending on crops, import prices, and retailer options, however, it can also be one of the most expensive birdseeds. To lower the cost, many backyard birders prefer to offer Nyjer in limited quantities or will choose specialized feeders to ensure the seed is not accidentally spilled and wasted. Nyjer is also often found in finch mix or canary birdseed blends, often with sunflower chips or small millet seeds that also appeal to the birds that eat Nyjer. Because these mixes have smaller proportions of Nyjer, they are often less expensive than pure thistle seed.
Bird Species That Eat Nyjer
Birds that prefer Nyjer are seed-eating bird species. They typically have smaller, sharply-pointed bills that can easily manipulate such tiny
seeds to crack shells and extract the rich seeds. Many Nyjer-loving birds are also called clinging birds because of their habit of acrobatically clinging to the sides of feeders rather than perching while feeding, and many of them can even eat upside down. These foraging habits help them feed on the natural seeds of flowers, which could be at unusual angles or waving in the wind when the birds are eating.
Still, other bird species that feed on Nyjer are ground-feeding birds that will forage in leaf litter after lowers have shed their seeds. These larger seed-eating birds will also gather beneath specialized Nyjer feeders and sift through discarded shells for any seeds that have been spilled.
The most popular birds that eat Nyjer include the following:
American Goldfinch
Common redpolls
Dark eyed Juncos
European goldfinches
House Finches
Indigo buntings
Mourning Doves
Pine Siskins
Nyjer is a popular seed with many other finches, sparrows, doves, towhees, quail, and buntings. Even unexpected birds may try a bite of Nyjer when it is offered, and woodpeckers, thrushes, chickadees, and other birds have been spotted snacking at thistle seed feeders.
Also available in 10lb bag (700565-10)